(Repetitive horn tooting by
Why wouldn’t King World News
post a correction for their readers/listeners when I pointed out to them that
Richard Russell was 100% wrong when he said silver was never taken by the
government? KWN site posted him saying on April 21, 2015, “Unlike gold, silver has never been wrested
from the public by government edict.” KWN, I have the
SCREENSHOT! I am definitely free to mention my attempt in the
interest of investors to get this corrected without reposting their obnoxious
response. The FEDS did take silver on August 9, 1934 by Executive Order #6814
and here
is a 312 page research I did to PROVE it! You can be Elvis on a flying carpet
doing high bar gymnastics as it soars over the Himalayas with bejeweled slave
maidens singing your praises but the precious metals community still deserves
correct information! Commercial & Financial Chronicle, January 19, 1935,
page 393---
New York Times, Friday, August 10,
Silver Seek had the same
error posted on January 27, 2010 (screenshot made) and after contacting them it
was corrected on February 9, 2010 (screenshot made). Apparently some site
operators care more about documented facts than others, but we should all care.
Putting out accurate information should be regarded the same as giving truthful
testimony in court! Franklin Roosevelt’s seizing silver bullion from Americans
was a major milestone in silver history and it must be correctly reported! But,
sigh, Silver Seek wouldn’t post “Jonathan Frid Vomits On Silver” just before the
Silver Summit in October 2013. Why would silver longs shield Jeff Christian,
the subject of that informational piece? What is it with alleged longs who are
so desirous of pulling punches against the bad boys? Am I the only source
willing to go all the way? We had a chance to see him reeling and it was
trashed! I haven’t had any suit filed against me by Christian nor by CPM
Group! They sure don’t want any legal discovery process ferreting out details
about The Pilgrims Society and silver suppression!
Do persons alleged to all be
in the gold and silver long camp engage in “infighting?” Sometimes we must
question others as to their intentions!
Yes, I see GATA as
“controlled opposition” based on what they refuse to allow coverage of---The
Pilgrims organization screwing the planet out of hard money! Chris Powell
resides in Connecticut, a state infested with Pilgrims members, and Bill Murphy
came out of Merrill Lynch (Pilgrims Society entity), Shearson Hayden Stone
(Pilgrims Society entity) and Drexel Burnham (Pilgrims Society entity). Ted
Butler started with Merrill Lynch and later joined Drexel Burnham Lambert. Is
that why Ted never mentions a fiat money monetary conspiracy against
Then there’s the bickering
between Bob Moriarty of 321 Gold and GATA! I was allowed by several sites to
have an item covered, “Correcting Antal Fekete’s Historical Silver Errors,” so
does that make me a mean spirited heel? I have to speak out when someone spouts
off with demonstrable errors, but because they’re some overblown personality
bouncing around at metals conferences, they are entitled to rewrite history any
way they please, without contradiction? There is also the odd phenomena of
persons with offbeat sounding names getting unusual coverage. I certainly
haven’t benefitted from that aspect. All I can point to is two provinces in
France bearing my ancestral name; however, I don’t regard that as a feather in
my cap. I ask only to be evaluated on the content, and documentation of, my
free public interest research.