More comments received from
others regarding my work---
At Silver Seek I
was called one of five “world renowned experts on all aspects of silver” (May
2008; screenshot maintained!)
“I was
introduced to Charles Savoie and his research through David Morgan in 2002.
Charlie is, in my opinion, the most knowledgeable silver/gold manipulation
researcher that I am aware of, anywhere.”---Kenny Parsons, Silver Bear
In “Silver Gurus”
on YouTube Brother John F remarked, “Charles Savoie, wow, this guy’s a
classic. This guy talks about stuff in history, you had no idea. You could get
lost in this guy’s stuff for years. It’s just fantastic
John B. Wells of Caravan
to Midnight says---
“Charles Savoie is an author and ever so much more. In
fact I could spend half of the program going through page after page of his
credentials. It’s absolutely amazing.” Jason Hommel---
“I know all the top 5 silver experts in the U.S. --- Ted
Butler, David Morgan, Sean Rakhimov, David Bond, Charlie Savoie, and about 5
more guys. All of them note serious problems with the silver
ETF.” (September 2012) --- Chris Duane of Silver Shield,
Silver Bullet, Don’t Tread on Me---
“Charles Savoie wrote this
gigantic, probably the biggest piece on silver that I’ve ever seen compiled
anywhere called the Silver Stealers. He’s been on a mission for a long time to
educate people about the conspiracy to suppress silver as a monetary asset and
expose the men who’ve been doing this. I highly recommend Silver Stealers. It is
“I am currently finishing reading the article by Charles
Savoie on Silver Raiders”---2003 Email from Robert Quartermain then CEO of
Silver Standard Resources to Jim Puplava, David Morgan and myself. Quartermain
posed with me at a regional shareholder meeting where we played with some of my
building block toys--
At Chris Duane (“Silver Shield”) remarked--- “Charles
Savoie has put together an incredible piece called the Silver Stealers about the
true history of the Elite bankers control over silver. This well documented
magnus opus of silver history is a must read for anyone who is doubtful of the
true role silver will play in our future. This is the most complete history of
the secret role the Elite have played in the suppression of silver. Their goal
is to secretly steal the wealth of the world. Their game is a multi-faceted plan
that spans over a century. The Elite take real assets and give us paper assets.
With our debt/money system they will seize our real assets when we cannot pay
our paper debts. Their secret plan is only effective when people unsuspectingly
play their role and invest in paper assets. The Silver Stealers is an incredible
compendium of information that people must read. Please spread this article
around and take time to read this huge free article.”
From SGT of SGT Report (video)
At Johnny Silver Bear remarked---“We recently published
an incredibly well researched exposé entitled "The Silver Stealers" by our good
friend, Charles Savoie.”
Silver Bear Café
mentioned “Mr. Savoie's outstanding exposé of the Pilgrim
Society, an organization that has been conspiring to rule the world for over 100
Steve St. Angelo of SRS
Rocco Report remarked
(2016) ---
“There is
evidence that the elite were manipulating the value of silver for centuries by
the excellent work of Charles Savoie on his site,”
Jeff Nielson of no pulled punches Bullion Bulls Canada
remarked “Charles Savoie has just let me know that he has finished his most
recent "updates" of the body of work he has titled "The Silver Stealers" -
something which I have strongly recommended to our readers since Segelarsch
first posted it here several months ago. It has had a MAJOR influence on my own
work since that time, ESPECIALLY relating to the issue of silver confiscation
(and it's likelihood in the U.S. in the FUTURE). I encourage readers to spend
as much time as they are able in familiarizing themselves with these historical
materials, since the "history" we have been "taught" (deliberately) omits many
of the events discussed in Charles' work.”
Another Nielson
the relatively short number of years in which I have been researching and
writing about the silver market, I have benefited greatly from the work (and the
wisdom) of a number of “pioneers” to the precious metals sector. With respect to
silver in particular, the two people who have done the most to educate me, and
shape my views on the silver market are Ted Butler and Charles Savoie. Charles
is a private researcher/historian who has invested a considerable amount of time
and effort in compiling a vast body of research which he has titled “The Silver
Stealers”. He links a relatively small but extremely powerful group of
individuals (and often their descendants) together through two common “threads”:
their propensity for actions which were extremely detrimental to the silver
market and/or the holders of silver; and their membership in a little-known
organization which they have called “The Pilgrims.”
In “The Silver Solution” (2005) Stephen Kovaka CPA stated--- “I am pleased to
refer you to the writings of Charles Savoie at David Morgan’s Silver Investor
website where you can drink from a fire hose of factual
Message from Franklin Sanders of The Moneychanger (June 2, 2005) ---
“Thanks very much for your encouragement. I’ve seen
your work and admired it, so I count your complement as high
Ed Steer of Canada, message (printed out) dated May 2,
“You’re a great writer Charlie, and the contents are
always magnificently researched and brilliantly written and in that category you
have no peer.”
“Taboo Genocide: Holodomor 1933 & the Extermination
of Ukraine” (2015) by Kris Dietrich references my research multiple
Resource Investor referenced my work--- “In another
article entitled "Precious Metals Emergency” Charles Savoie calls The Silver
Institute a "near comatose organization, mainly for statistics.” According to
Savoie, a silver producers association is desperately needed. “We could have
more than one lobby. We could have one representing corporate members, and
another for rank and file shareholders and investors. If things go that way, as
much mutuality as possible should be sought, the better to influence
legislation,” Savoie writes.
“I was
introduced to Charles Savoie and his research through David Morgan in 2002.
Charlie is, in my opinion, the most knowledgeable silver/gold manipulation
researcher that I am aware of, anywhere.”---Kenny Parsons, Silver Bear
“Charles Savoie has written
the best researched and documented case on silver and the banking establishment
going back into history.” --- David
Morgan in 'Get The Skinny On Silver Investing' - see page
“In my view, Charles Savoie
does the best documented research and he has written tirelessly for years”
---May 2010 The Morgan Report.
“I salute the
author for this magnificent piece of research. This will FOREVER change my own
writing about silver. I will be referring to it again and again in the future,
and those who are too lazy to do their "homework" will NEVER be able to extract
as much benefit from my future work as those who do.”---Jeff Nielson, Bullion Bulls
“Charles Savoie is pretty
much BLACKLISTED in the silver community because he talks about the
CONSPIRACY”---Brother John F, 11/18/13
A major silver
site founded in 2003 denied coverage of “Jonathan Frid Vomits on Silver,” released in October 2013
ahead of the annual Silver Summit in Idaho! What is a silver long site doing
protecting silver antagonist Jeffrey Christian? Why do people deem something
too hot to handle, and I’ve never been sued for any of my nearly 200
presentations? It was a chance to show Christian’s skeletons in the closet to
the entire conference while he was there and the site operator/editor protected
him by refusing to post it!
Daniel Ameduri of Future
Money Trends---
“Charles Savoie of Silver
Stealers and No Silver Nationalization has done extensive research in precious
metals and manipulation as well as a secret society! It’s not out there on most
of the major precious metals sites.” (Again friends, so many sites have been
censoring me for years. Ask them why!) “You’ve done a ton of research and
information and it’s all free, which is truly amazing! You’ve done some great
research on nationalization.”
Kenneth Ameduri of Crush the
“Charles Savoie has released
an encyclopedia on the Texas Bullion Depository and cover to cover it goes over
facts of what no one else is talking about!”
Sean of SGT Report
“Charles Savoie is an
extremely talented researcher when it comes to silver. In fact, maybe no one’s
done more or better research. His Silver Squelchers series is absolutely
astonishing; I’ve never seen any more detailed account. In fact this is the
groundbreaking stuff if you want to learn about The Pilgrims and how old this
silver suppression scheme is and how it operates at the very highest, highest
levels, even above the bankers, check out the Silver Squelchers series from
Charles Savoie.” (Available at
Sean of SGT again--- ---
“Charles I want to thank you
for all your tireless work over the years. I want you to know that really great
people out there like David Morgan, Jeff Neilson, Chris Duane and myself we’ve
all been influenced by your work. I found out about you from Brother John
Additionally SGT remarked ---
“Those are powerful words
coming from Charles Savoie but this is the man who has documented how deep this
conspiracy goes to demonetize silver and to crush silver and to paper manipulate
David Morgan of Silver
Investor & Morgan Report stated---
“Charlie wrote exclusively
for Silver Investor for years and years and all of that’s still archived on the
website. Most of these articles are very weighty meaning you have to be
sincerely interested in the silver market and the intricacies of the market. If
you took the time to read everything Charlie has written on the silver market
and particularly the price suppression schemes that have been going on for a
very, very long time, you would probably be as knowledgeable about the silver
market than nearly anybody on the planet. It would be quite a read, quite a
task. Everyone’s heard of the Illuminati and the free masons and the Club of
Rome and on and on but very few have heard about The Pilgrims. Charlie is the
first to bring The Pilgrims to my attention and that was like wow this guy
really goes deep. This is the top secret society out there that very few are
aware of. Occasionally I’ll get someone who reads some of his work and comes to
me so excited and exuberant and says “why doesn’t everybody know about this” and
of course the answer is very few people take the time to read.” (No; it’s
because most precious metals and freedom websites have outright refused
coverage; ask them why.)
SGT Report interview Jeff Nielson Bullion Bulls
“You had mentioned an article called the Silver Stealers by Charles Savoie and he talks about a group called The Pilgrims and I’m extremely intrigued because my research has led me to believe that this is all being done by design and as nefarious as the plot may be to suppress silver and gold and as out of control as this manipulation may have gotten by JP Morgan, perhaps this has all been done by design over many decades. Can you tell me about your take on Charles Savoie’s article?” Jeff Nielson of Bullion Bulls Canada--- “I’m still learning this material myself but to provide the most basic overview, most people have heard of the Skull & Bones Society the legendary cabal of the wealthy. Charles Savoie has introduced me to a group which precedes this which appears in fact to be bigger and more meaningful and more real in every sense and they’re called The Pilgrims. According to Savoie they’ve been extremely active around the world in manipulating all sorts of global events and we’re not just talking about recent history we’re talking about something that went back centuries.” SGT--- “If the bankers wanted to destroy gold and silver and remove it from the everyday experience of the common man and get us onto their paper system so that they have total control, did The Pilgrims play a role in deliberately getting us away from our Constitutional money?” Nielson--- “In fact this seems to be one of the primary obsessions of this group is to separate ordinary people from precious metals. Regarding this Charles Savoie stuff, this hasn’t even made it into the broader precious metals sector.” (Note---most sites have intentionally denied coverage! Ask them why!) Nielson--- “What they did to destroy the silver market in the 1930s and what lead to the Great Depression is the British went into India and confiscated as much silver as they could get their hands on and then dumped that all into the global market. When they dumped all that bullion into the global market, not only did it kill India’s economy but it destroyed China’s economy because China was on a silver standard and so they dump all this silver onto the global market, take the value of silver down to next to nothing (24.5 cents/oz in Feb 1931) and then all of a sudden China’s money is worth nothing. It created hyperinflation in China and it ruined China’s economy and forced them to go off the silver standard. That was a major operation and they have all these minor operations in smaller countries like the Philippines where these other countries used to have their own silver standards and it was all a matter of sabotage and pressure. How did we go from a world where all currencies were backed by precious metals to where none was backed and it wasn’t like it happened all at once there were various attacks that these Pilgrims made around the world in various forms to get the entire world off precious metals.” SGT--- “What connections do The Pilgrims have to the Rothschilds?” Nielson--- “Rockefeller gets mentioned over and over and over. Rothschild gets mentioned over and over and over. All of the big houses of Europe and North America are listed here, you won’t find a name missing.”